IIUM Perpetual Cash Fund
Contribution received will be invested in any investment method, only the returns will be used to assist the students.
IIUM Perpetual Property Fund
The concept is just like (2.8.1). However, the contribution received will be used to purchase/construct any types of property. The returns, usually through the rental, will be used to assist the students.
IIUM Alumni Legacy Campaign
Through this campaign, IEF would like the IIUM Alumni from each state in Malaysia to participate by contributing a sum of money which equal to the price of a unit of Putra Villa Condominium, which will later to be named after the respective state. The rental income from the units will be used to achieve the objective of IEF’s establishment.
Tax Deductible (for Malaysian)
All cash donated to the International Islamic University Malaysia are tax deductible under Section 44(6) Income Tax Act, (IIUM Reference no. JHDN.01/35/42/51/179-6.2932).