Alumni Courtesy Visit
4 August 2023
Our Director, Br. Ilmyzat Ismail and Deputy Director, Dr. Haza Hanurhaza had a chance to visit our alumni, Datuk Zainul Rijal (AIKOL 1992) and his family. The visit was also accompanied by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zainal Amin Ayub (AIKOL 1997).

18 July 2023
The Director of ARD had a short discussion with two of our alumni, Ustaz Mohamed Khairul Anuar Basri (AIKOL 2004, 2005), the CEO KAB Goldynamics Sdn. Bhd. and Madam Zarita Kasim (KIRKHS 2001), Certified Profesional Trainer and Former Producer/Announcer of IKIM FM. The discussion was about the strategy on how to engage with our IIUM Alumni.

27 July 2023
The Director of ARD had the opportunity to meet YM Dr. Hj. Norafan Hj. Zainal (Alumni KIRKHS, 2010) Rector, UNISSA Brunei during his visit to CELPAD IIUM.

12 July 2023
IIUM received a visit from the team from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia. The visit was to discuss about the upcoming ASEAN Day, which will be celebrated in IIUM! Surprisingly, the Chairman of the meeting, Dato’ Mohd Suhaimi Jaafar is our Alumni from KIRKHS, class of 1998. Welcome back to your alma mater Dato’ Suhaimi!

6 July 2023
A courtesy visit by one of our IIUM Alumni Pioneer Batch, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Aslam B. Mohamed Haneef (KENMS, 1987), Alumni and Former Director of ARD, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azam Bin Othman (KIRKHS, 1994) & Alumni and CEO of Int’l Islamic College, Tuan Shaik Faridhudheen Bin Anverdeen (KENMS, 2002)