• Annual Report (12)
  • Audio (964)
  • Book: Course Reading (6599)
  • Book: Special – Daily (35847)
  • Book: Special – Two Hours (16862)
  • Book: General (605676)
  • Law Book: (33833)
  • Book: Reference (54254)
  • Book: Restricted (4691)
  • Braille (47)
  • Carrel Room – Two Hourly (94)
  • Carrel Room – Monthly (21)
  • Carrel Room – Monthly/RM 60 per month (18)
  • Carrel Room – Biweekly (10)
  • CD-ROM accompanying Material (14974)
  • CD-ROM stand alone (2893)
  • Chart (94)
  • Diagram (18)
  • Discussion Rooms (41)
  • Computer Disk (448)
  • Drawing (48)
  • e-Book (16189)
  • e-Journal (368)
  • Examination Paper (2725)
  • Flash card (41)
  • Book : Interlibrary loan (229)
  • Journal (66875)
  • Kit (2980)
  • Islamic Law Monograph (4287)
  • Legislation (8853)
  • Loose-leaf (1012)
  • Magazine (148)
  • Manuscript in Microfilm (1966)
  • Manuscript in Microfische (17874)
  • Manuscript Original: Print (610)
  • Map (1084)
  • Mastercopy (158)
  • Microfiche (12151)
  • Microfilm (4189)
  • Monographic Accompanying Material (39)
  • Book: Odd Size (194)
  • Official Document (9684)
  • Online Database (246)
  • Book : Pictorial (882)
  • Law Periodicals (29119)
  • Print (105)
  • Research Report (53)
  • Research Room (10)
  • Slide (64)
  • Standard & Patent (373)
  • Technical Drawing (59)
  • Thesis (16071)
  • Thesis softcopy (7841)
  • Transparency (27)
  • Video (4401)
  • Viewing Room B – Two Hourly (1)

IIUM Repositories

IIUM Repository (IRep)

The International Islamic University Malaysia's repository system, IREP commenced operation in June/ July 2011. This is a digital repository of documents and scholarly output of IIUM staff encompassing various subjects and disciplines. The documents include journal articles, chapter/ section of a book, book and conference papers. The works include those that are written by IIUM staff or collaboratively produced with other parties. The information and full-texts of many of the documents is freely available to be shared with others.

IIUM Student Repository

This repository collects, preserves and provides access to digital materials of students' works. At present, the collections in this repository consist of post graduate’s theses & dissertations of IIUM students, from 1987 onwards. For better experience of one stop search for more library collections, contents of IIUM Student Repository are also recoverable by EDS on the Library Discovery here. This repository is managed by Access & Metadata Unit, Knowledge Resources Development Section, Dar al-Hikmah Library. Any inquiries can be forwarded to studentrepo@iium.edu.my.