Browse-able Theses Collection

Theses collection in the Library comprises of Master and PhD theses of IIUM, non-IIUM theses produced by the IIUM faculty members and Islamic theses. Theses must be deposited to the Library in digital and print format. Print copies are kept under controlled access and available upon request. Commencing Sept 2013, users are allowed to  enter the room and browse the theses on the shelves. Besides the print format, the first 24 pages of the online theses can be viewed from the Library homepage. The full text theses can be accessed from any of the six (6) dedicated PCs available on all the 4 floors of the main  Library.

Browse-able Theses Collection– General Rules and Regulations

This service is opened to the Islamic University Malaysia library’s customers only. Priority is given to post-graduate students.Customers who wish to use this service should leave their matriculation card at the multimedia counter.

  1. External users (non-IIUM staff and students) who wish to use the browse-able theses shall be imposed RM20.00  as service charge. The payment has to be made at the Circulation Counter at level 2. The receipt must be shown to the Multimedia Counter staff before entering the Theses Collection room.
  2. Theses collection is for reference only.
  3. Customers are not allowed to bring theses out of this room.
  4. Mutilation of items is an offence and liable for disciplinary action.
  5. Illegal reproduction of the thesis is strictly prohibited.

Official Address
International Islamic University Malaysia
P.O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur
Phone : (+603) 6421 6421
Fax : (+603) 6421 4053 Email : webmaster@iium.edu.my

Dar al-Hikmah Library (Central) International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
P.O Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia

1) 03-6421 4825 (Circulation Counter)
2) 03-6421 4815 (Readers Advisory Desk)
Fax : 03-6421 4855
Email: library@iium.edu.my

*** For Library Clearance Application, please CLICK HERE

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