Frequently Asked Question
How many books can I borrow with my library card?
For General Books:
- UG Student: Qty. 15 for 30 days
- PG Student: Qty. 20 for 30 days
- Academic Staff: Qty. 30 for 60 days
- Admin Staff: Qty. 20 for 60 days
How do I report the loss or theft of my library book?/I have damaged a library book. What should I do?
Please kindly contact Circulation Counter +603-6421 4825
For Further inquiries kindly email the PIC:
- Gombak Campus: Mdm. Zalirawati Anita Jusoh –
- Kuantan Campus: Br. Iskandar –
- CFS Gambang: Mdm. Siti Nor Md. Idris –
- SMNAL: Br. Zaki –
- Pagoh (KLM): Br. Aiman-
How can I renew my books?
Clients can renew online by logging to their library account at
How many times can I renew my books?
Books can be renewed online twice, please do email the PIC if the problem persist:
- Gombak Campus: Mdm. Zalirawati Anita Jusoh –
- Kuantan Campus: Br. Iskandar –
- CFS Gambang: Sr. Siti Nor Md. Idris –
- SMNAL: Br Zaki –
- Pagoh (KLM): Br. Aiman-
How can I return the
- Gombak: Library Smart Bookdrop, by post
(Recommended Poslaju) - IMC : Library Bookdrop
- CFS: No Bookdrop
- Pagoh:
Can I return books to the
Gombak library by post / courier?
Yes, please consider the matters highlighted below:
Recommended courier: POS LAJU
Dar al-Hikmah Library (Central)
International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
P.O Box 10, 50728
Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia.
(Attn: Mdm. Zalirawati Anita Jusoh)
Phone: +603-6421 4825 (Circulation Counter)
Notification via email.
Once the book was sent, please notify the Library by sending an email
Details to mention in the
- Name:
- Matric number:
- Student’s Barcode Number:
- Total number of books:
Copyright is the exclusive right given by law for a determinable time period to the author of the work to control the use of the work in Malaysia.
If you have any other questions regarding copyright, please contact Copyright Unit, Dar al-Hikmah Library at 03-64213866, or email
Which Act governs the protection of copyright in Malaysia?
Copyright protection is governed by the Copyright Act 1987.
What works get copyright protection?
The following works are protected: –
- Literary works;
- Musical works;
- Artistic works;
- Films;
- Sounds recordings;
- Broadcasts; and
- Derivative works.
- Sufficient effort has been expanded to make the work original in character;
- The work has been written down, recorded or otherwise reduced into material form;
- The author is a qualified person; and
- The work is made in Malaysia or the work is first published in Malaysia.
Based on IIUM Policy on Research and Innovation, paragraph 24 Intellectual Property Ownership:
IIUM claims full ownership and worldwide rights, title, and interest to or in all Intellectual Property in all works, inventions, designs, system including software and course code and other subject matter but
not limited to:
- the Intellectual Property is developed by the Originator of his/her association with IIUM;
- the Intellectual Property is made possible by the use of IIUM Resource; or
- the Intellectual Property is resulted from the Research Output from the IIUM Research Plan
Application can be submitted through RMSv2 to the Library. The work to be copyrighted and Turnitin report (for manuscript) must be attached together upon submission.
Who will bear the cost of registration?
If the work fulfils the requirements, all the fees incurred for voluntary notification will be borne by the University. Otherwise, the applicant will need to self-fund the registration fees.
Is there any other charges incurred?
For applications that go through the library, a processing fee is charged to the applicant for each work submitted, irrespectively whether the work is for the University or for personal.
What is the duration for copyright protection?
- For literary, music and artistic works, copyright subsist during the life of the author and 50 years after the death;
- For sounds recording, films and broadcasts, copyright subsist 50 years from the year following the publication of the work; and
- For published edition, copyright subsist 50 years from the year following the year of edition was first published.
The Minister of Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism (Enforcement Division) and The Royal Malaysia Police are responsible for enforcement of the law.
A digital repository of research publications and scholarly output of IIUM academic staff which consist of published Journal, book, book chapter, conference / workshop papers.
Who needs to register?
IIUM academic staff
When to register?
Once being appointed as an IIUM academic staff.
Why do you need to register?
By registering in IRep, the academic staff able to:
- Preserve & promote research publication.
- Maximize research access and impact.
- Link research publication to CV online and use as a tool for promotion exercise.
Where to register?
I need help on IRep! Who do I contact?
Please see the contact information under About (
How do I upload a document?
Please see Guidelines for Self-Archiving in IREP and Digitization Requirement in IREP under About (
What materials should not be uploaded in IREP?
Materials should not be uploaded /included in IREP:
- Containing confidential information,
- unedited/unreview personal opinion outputs,
- non-academic/non-scholarly outputs,
- teaching materials,
- materials that are culturally sensitive,
- research students’ dissertations & thesis,
- Unreferred draft papers or draft versions of papers released for discussion,
- administrative documents and records, including those associated with research projects,
- raw research data, materials intended for commercialization,
- materials that would infringe a legal obligation of the author or the institutions that would
- infringe a legal right or a third party
What items are to be included into IREP?
Items which may be included are articles, book chapters, monographs, conference or workshop items, books, and patents
A digital repository of research publications and scholarly output of IIUM academic staff which consist of published Journal, book, book chapter, conference / workshop papers.
Who needs to register?
IIUM academic staff
When to register?
Once being appointed as an IIUM academic staff.
Why do you need to register?
By registering in IRep, the academic staff able to:
- Preserve & promote research publication.
- Maximize research access and impact.
- Link research publication to CV online and use as a tool for promotion exercise.
Where to register?
I need help on IRep! Who do I contact?
Please see the contact information under About (
How do I upload a document?
Please see Guidelines for Self-Archiving in IREP and Digitization Requirement in IREP under About (
What materials should not be uploaded in IREP?
Materials should not be uploaded /included in IREP:
- Containing confidential information,
- unedited/unreview personal opinion outputs,
- non-academic/non-scholarly outputs,
- teaching materials,
- materials that are culturally sensitive,
- research students’ dissertations & thesis,
- Unreferred draft papers or draft versions of papers released for discussion,
- administrative documents and records, including those associated with research projects,
- raw research data, materials intended for commercialization,
- materials that would infringe a legal obligation of the author or the institutions that would
- infringe a legal right or a third party
What items are to be included into IREP?
Items which may be included are articles, book chapters, monographs, conference or workshop items, books, and patents
You may send your request through the interlibrary loan process. Please find below steps:-
- visit
- Scroll down until “Quick links” area
- click “Interlibrary loan”
- fill in the details and click “submit”
How do I get books that are not available in Dar al-Hikmah Library?
You may send your request through the interlibrary loan process. Please find below steps:-
- visit
- Scroll down until “Quick links” area
- click “Interlibrary loan”
- fill in the details and click “submit”
How many days can I borrow interlibrary loan books?
You may borrow for 2 weeks.
How many books can I borrow through the interlibrary loan process?
You may borrow a maximum of 2 interlibrary loan books at a time.
Can I extend interlibrary loan books during this pandemic season?
The interlibrary loan books are from other Malaysia public universities. We advise you to post the books to Dar al-Hikmah Library. Below is the address :
Outreach & Interlibrary Loan Services Unit,
Dar al-Hikmah Library, International Islamic University Malaysia,
Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur.
(Attn: Irni Izwah Abu Bakar)
OR Should you need to extend borrowing for your research, you may send official request to email to
How do I get access to the IREP articles?
You may get the article through the interlibrary loan process. Please find below steps:-
- visit
- scroll down until IIUM Discovery Service platform
- enter the article title
- If it is available in full text you may see a .pdf icon, if not you may click “request for interlibrary loan”
How do I get articles that are not available in Dar al-Hikmah Library?
- Document Delivery Service
- InterLibrary Loan
- Online article
In order to do that, you may find the guideline at “How-to” section at the library website (
I’ve wrongly submitted my publication to one of predatory journals, what should I do? Can I withdraw the paper? Can I get a list of indexed journals in Scopus?
For Scopus, please follow these steps:
- Scopus Login>Sources>Select Subject Area>Download Scopus Sources List
How can I find evidence that the article is published in an indexed journal (WoS Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, ESCI or Scopus)?
You can search your article in the Scopus database
Yes, please go to Lexis Advance Malaysia. If you’re unfamiliar to it, kindly watch the video tutorial at Case Treatment in Lexis Advance Malaysia
Do we have any access to LawNet?
Yes, We have three (3) access to Lawnet.
Kindly login by using below usernames and passwords:
- iiu1 & lawnet2019
- iiu2 & lawnet2019
- iiu3 & lawnet2019
How do I know PE values for the following publications?
- e-Laws
- LexisNexis
- INSAF – Malaysian Bar
- IIUM Law Journal
- Journal of Malaysian And Comparative Law (JMCL)
- Journal Undang-Undang Dan Masyarakat (JUUM)
- UUM Journal Of Legal Studies (JUUM)
- UiTM Law Review
For PE, please refer this link > publication requirement
- Indexed journals – Journals that are indexed in WOS, Scopus, Era, Mycite
- Non-indexed journal – Journals that are not indexed in WOS, Scopus, Era, Mycite.
- No Journal title Status PE Values
- e-Laws non-indexed 0.7
- LexisNexis non-indexed 0.7
- INSAF – Malaysian Bar non-indexed 0.7
- IIUM Law Journal Indexed – WOS 1
- Journal of Malaysian And Comparative Law (JMCL) Indexed – MyCite 1
- Journal Undang-Undang Dan Masyarakat (JUUM) Indexed – MyCite 1
- UUM Journal Of Legal Studies (JUUM) Indexed – Scopus 1
- UiTM Law Review non-indexed 0.7
Kindly visit library website ( and you’ll get to see the list of liaisons librarian there.
Clients may check their fines through their library account. Kindly Log in to your library account:
How do I pay my fines?
Clients may transfer online to UIAM operating account at account number 1407-000000-4716 (Bank Muamalat (M) Berhad).
Kindly state payment for “Library charges (student/staff no.)”. Email the proof of payment to
For international TT, kindly use swift code “BMMBMYKL”. View details HERE.
Please note that only faculty members, students and officers of IIUM are eligible to apply for online membership.
Kindly go to our library homepage, scroll down and search for Library Membership.
Scan the QR code or go to to fill in the online application form.
For other types of members please kindly liaise with PIC:
- Gombak: Mdm Siti Azizah
- IMC: Br Iskandar –
- CFS: Br Faizal –
- SMNAL: Br Zaki –
- Pagoh: Br Aiman-
What should I do if I want to continue using the library upon completion of my studies?
You can still enter the library by displaying your alumni card and access the physical resources, but if you need to borrow the book you have to register as an external member.
For further inquiries please kindly liaise with the PIC:
- Gombak: Mdm Siti Azizah
- IMC: Br Iskandar –
- CFS: Br Faizal –
- SMNAL: Br Zaki –
- Pagoh: Br Aiman-
I already have Matric No only, how to request for library barcode?
Kindly drop an email to IIUM Smart Card Office at to request the barcode number.
For students and lecturers who wish to do the library clearance, kindly visit the library website and find Library Clearance Form
Please check and confirm your graduating status at I’Ma’luum before applying for the library clearance.
For further inquiries please kindly liaise with the PIC:
- Gombak: Mdm Siti Azizah
- IMC: Br Iskandar –
- CFS: Br Faizal –
- SMNAL: Br Zaki –
- Pagoh: Br Aiman-
- Active student/ staff ( have matric card and staff card)
- Registered library member
- Have barcode number and pin number of the library
How to use the off-campus access?
Clients can access online library resources by log in to: .
Username is the barcode number at the back of matric or staff card.
Default password number: 123456 or any 6 digit numbers that you have saved in the library account.
If you do not remember your password, please do email us if there any problems regarding this matter:
- Gombak: Mdm Siti Azizah
- IMC: Br Iskandar –
- CFS: Br Faizal –
- SMNAL: Br Zaki –
- Pagoh: Br Aiman-
An online database is a bibliographic database. Bibliographic databases allow you to search for journal articles and papers relating to a particular topic which have been published in a range of journals, reports, conference proceedings and other documents.
There are 3 types of databases:
- Indexes & abstracts: these types of databases only provide indexes or abstracts of the articles.
- Full-text databases: these types of databases give access to the entire text of the article.
- Combination of the above: these types of databases provide both the citations of the articles and their complete text.
Why should I use the databases?
If you’re looking for current, reliable information from a wide variety of resources, including research in specialized subject areas, databases are recommended. The information in the databases is more reliable and authoritative compared to the information that is available on the Internet.
How can I access online databases for the first time?
Please register for library membership
This link is available at the library website.
Once the registration is done, you may begin to use the online databases. Please be reminded that if you’re not connected to the university’s server or wifi, you need to login via “off-campus access”. Kindly watch the tutorial here. 5 Steps to access online databases via EzProxy (Remote access)
I don’t have a matric card. I only have matric numbers. How can I access the online databases so I can complete my assignments?
If you don’t have the matric card, you have to get it first by emailing your name and matric number to to request for it & library barcode. It’s important to have a library barcode at the first stage.
Next, once you have the library barcode, get yourself register for library membership This link is available at the library website.
Once the registration is done, you may begin to use the online databases. Please be reminded that if you’re not connected to the university’s server or wifi, you need to login via “off-campus access”. Kindly watch the tutorial here. 5 Steps to access online databases via EzProxy (Remote access)
Why is it that I get a notification “I need to sign in through my institution” everytime I want to download a full-text online article?
That kind of notification reflects that we do not have any full-text access or subscriptions to it.
The IIUM thesis can now be accessed online via For full-text access, IIUM students need to sign in using their username and password as in the iMa’luum portal.
For other Universities Library, kindly browse from the link below:
Malaysian Thesis Online
Printed Resource (ACQ) I want to buy a book for my course, how can I do that?
Please find online acquisition form at the library website and fill-up the necessary details (
GIFT (ACQ) I want to donate some books to the library. What should I do?
You may bring your books to the library & submit it at the library counter.
Can I have a special class or briefing to learn about the library services?
Yes we do have an information literacy class for IIUM student.
We have many modules, you may choose your preferred module.
Please do take note in order to conduct this class, the participant should be a group minimum of 10 peoples.
Clients may fill up the Information Literacy Form available from this url:
What type of class is provided by the library?
Library provide 4 types of classes:
I. Basic Library Skills
II. Advanced Library Skills (Undergraduate)
III. Advanced Research Skills (Postgraduate)
IV. Reference Tool (Mendeley)
For Gombak: Clients may fill up the Information Literacy Form available from this url:
For IMC & CFS Campus:
Liaison Librarian for each Kulliyyah as follows:
Kulliyyah of Medicine & Nursing – Sr. Rosyidah (
Kulliyyah of Science & Pharmacy – Sr. Siti Nor (
Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences & Dentistry – Sr. Nurusy
Centre Foundation studies – Br. Faizal (
Advanced Research Skills (Postgraduate) – You may contact Sr. Siti Nor
Reference Tool (Mendeley) – You may contact Sr. Rosyidah (
Please contact Sr. Zunika at for any matters regarding Turnitin software. (
How can I verify Publication Fee Facilitation?
Person in charge of this matter at RMC is Sr. Rafida Bustamam. Please email to her at
Research Management Centre (RMC)
Publication Fee Facilitation
Where can I find the Guideline on Publication Fee Facilitation?
Please refer to the Research Management Centre homepage.
How I can publish a book. Where to get the ISBN?
If You want to publish any book or journal through IIUM Press you may have to contact IIUM Press:, : +6 (03) 6421 5018
But If you want to self-publish the book/journal, you may have to apply the ISBN through the National Library.
You may refer to this link: Perkhidmatan Kepada Penerbit
Permohonan ISBN/ISSN/PDP boleh dibuat melalui laman sesawang .
Untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut berkaitan permohonan sila hubungi: Pusat Bibliografi Negara Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, Aras 3, Anjung Bestari No. 232, Jalan Tun Razak,50572 Kuala Lumpur.
(U/P: Pusat Kebangsaan ISBN/ISSN/PDP) Tel : 03-26814329, 03-26871825, 03-26871700 samb 4288 / 4271/4284
E-mel :
IIUM Press,
National Library
Installation of IBM SPSS Statistics Version 26 (Statistics Base) for IIUM community
ITD is glad to inform all of you that the IBM SPSS Statistics Version 26 is now available for installation.
However, the software is using the concurrent network licensing method/network floating license, which will have the following limitations:
a) The users need to use the University’s network (wireless/wired) in order to use the software.
b) The access to the server may not be available if the maximum license connection has been reached. However, the users can try to run the software at another time if the slot is free.
The IBM SPSS Statistics Version 26 software installer is already being uploaded to the ITD software bank. Please liaise with your technical staff for installation.
In addition, your help to update the installation record through the link below is also appreciated :
If you need to install the software at the new location/user, please request first through the link provided. Please put “New installation request” in the “Remarks” section for our further action.
Please contact Br. Farid at ext. 3881/ if you require further details.
Check for available wifi networks, and then choose IIUM-Guest. Then it will bring you to “Sign in to IIUM-Guest!” page. Then search for Click here for registration.
After the registration is completed you will be given the Account username: (your registered email) and Guest Password: (auto generated).
(If user already have their own network)
kindly register here:
After the registration is completed you will be given the Account username: (your registered email) and Guest Password: (auto generated).
Note: This IIUM-Guest Wifi is only valid for 1 day.
Guest WIFI,
Guest password

Official Address
P.O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur
Phone : (+603) 6421 6421
Fax : (+603) 6421 4053 Email :
Dar al-Hikmah Library (Central) International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
P.O Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia
1) 03-6421 4825 (Circulation Counter)
2) 03-6421 4815 (Readers Advisory Desk)
Fax : 03-6421 4855
*** For Library Clearance Application, please CLICK HERE
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